Daily Reflections

He Is Our Salvation

July 30, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. —Exodus 15:2

The NASB translates the end of Psalm 42:11 as “Wait for God, for I will again praise Him for the help of His presence, my God.” That word help is from the Hebrew word Yeshuah, which means “deliverance, salvation, victory.” God is the deliverance of my faith. He is my salvation.

If you add one syllable to Yeshuah, you get the name for Joshua. It not only means “salvation” but also “Yahweh saves; Yahweh is my salvation.” The Greek word in the New Testament for the name Joshua is Jesus! Jesus is my salvation and my deliverance.

Ultimately, every struggle in life is intended to take us back to the Savior. Deliverance isn’t found in anything or anyone else than Jesus Himself.

Your soul might feel as if it has a lot of reasons to be cast down and disquieted. But in the midst of your distress, you can “put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him, my help, my Yeshuah, my Savior and my God.”

Make it Personal

What are some ways that Jesus has been your help, your deliverer, and your salvation?