Daily Reflections

God's To-Do List for You

August 16, 2023 Deborah Smith

Many plans are in a person’s heart, but the Lord’s decree will prevail. —Proverbs 19:21

If you do an inventory at the end of a busy day and you were able to get a whole lot done, do you feel satisfied and fulfilled? If you don’t get it all done or manage to put a big dent in it, do you feel the opposite?

Indeed, God has given us stuff to do, so getting things done is important. But there’s a danger in measuring fruitfulness by how many tasks we complete. Some days we are going to have a long list of important things that need to be done and will only be completed if we stay focused and work diligently. But there are other days when we would serve God more faithfully by leaving some items on our to-do lists undone and focusing on more important things, or maybe just one thing.

We are to make plans but hold them lightly. We need to use pencil, not pen, and be open to the Lord editing our to-do list so that our work can bring Him the most glory.

Make it Personal

Ask God to show you what’s on His to-do list for you today, whether it’s many things or just one.