Daily Reflections

God at the Center

February 1, 2024 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. —Psalm 46:1

Several years ago, just when life seemed to be settling down, I received a letter with some news that sent my life into a tailspin. Amid my upheaval, I found myself turning again and again to one particular passage—Psalm 46.

I meditated on this psalm day and night, even going to sleep quoting parts of it. It became an anchor for my heart and ministered grace to my soul.

As I studied these words, one theme became obvious—it’s all about God. Yes, there are storms, troubles, and disasters. But what grips your attention as you read Psalm 46 is that God is at the center. He’s not absent; He’s there with us. Bible teacher J. Vernon McGee sums it up simply as he notes that this passage is about the sufficiency, the security, and the supremacy of God.1 He is the ultimate reality.

I don’t know what you’re facing, but my prayer is that God will use this passage to stabilize your heart and give you His perspective on the storm.

1 J. Vernon McGee, “Notes and Outlines: Psalms,” accessed September 7, 2023, ttb.org/docs/default-source/notes-outlines/ no13_psalms.pdf?sfvrsn=9c791c16_2.


A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Psalm 46),” Revive Our Hearts series

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How does realizing that God is at the center of everything help you in whatever storm you’re facing today?