Daily Reflections

Giving Clarity

January 13, 2023 Kelly Needham

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” —John 8:32

The first thing I reach for in the morning are my glasses, because they help me do everything. Putting my glasses on is a simple step that helps me correctly respond to things that come my way because I can accurately see what they are.

Without a consistent dose of the Word, a stressful situation can feel confusing and overwhelming. Why am I frustrated? Am I angry at my children, or am I taking other worries out on them? But when I have a steady dose of truth in my life, I can quickly perceive my circumstances and my heart’s responses. Like putting on glasses, it brings clarity, helping me accurately discern the events of the day and my own responses.

Ironically, many people say they don’t have time for studying the Word. But I would argue there’s nothing that saves you more time than reading the Word and praying. This time grants fresh vision for what truly matters, what you can let go of, and helps you quickly and accurately assess unexpected situations.

Make it Personal

Pray that the time you spend in God’s Word would help you have clarity for all you encounter today.