Daily Reflections

Giving Back to Him

May 12, 2022 Laura Booz

“She out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” —Luke 21:4

When I give something that doesn’t take me out of my comfort zone, I can feel so generous. But when I give sacrificially, I can feel like it’s not enough. I’m glad I have the story of the widow in Luke 21 because it realigns my value system with God’s.

The point of this story is that numbers don’t indicate the gift’s value. It’s that Jesus loves when we give wholeheartedly. He loves when people live according to the value of His kingdom and not the kingdom of this world.

The reason the widow could give such a treasure is because she knew God had pressed those coins into her hand so she could have the pleasure of returning them to Him. It’s like when my children hold out their palms during church, waiting for me to give them a quarter so they can plunk it in the offering plate. We hold our hands out to our heavenly Father and can give back to Him the things He’s blessed us with. And He loves it.

Make it Personal

What has God pressed into your hands today that you can give back to Him?