Daily Reflections

Give Liberally

November 12, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. —2 Corinthians 9:6

Each of us knows how it feels to see the things we don’t have and wish we did. We know how it feels to compare our financial status with others. We know how it feels to live in an unstable economy that threatens a stable future.

But each of these common conditions has a clear, biblical counterweight: the principle of generous giving.

No honest reading of Scripture can lead to any other conclusion. God honors generosity. That’s not to say you’ll become a millionaire in exchange for being generous, but God does promise all your needs will be met and you’ll be abundantly blessed—in ways you cannot even begin to fathom.

I understand the temptation to give less when you can’t see how your income is adequate to cover your obligations. We feel more secure knowing the money is in the bank. But anytime fear or lack of faith causes us to pull back from giving to God and others, we actually become less, not more, secure.


The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings

©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How have you seen God honor generosity either in your life or someone else’s? Is there anything you’re withholding from Him today out of fear?