Daily Reflections

Fresh Oil

December 5, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power. —1 Corinthians 2:4

When people ask how they can pray for me, my most common answer is, “Pray for ‘fresh oil’—that God will grant the anointing of His Spirit on my life and ministry,” for I know that I’m helpless, powerless, and useless apart from the work of His Spirit.

This divine enabling of the Spirit isn’t reserved for some select few saints. Every New Testament believer has been “anointed” by God, who has “given us the Spirit” (2 Cor. 1:21–22).

Whether you’re a small group leader, a parent of toddlers or teens, or are serving God in another capacity, you undoubtedly know what it is to feel inadequate to accomplish what He’s given you to do. That’s a good place to be! Pray for an outpouring of grace and the fresh supply of His Spirit. Ask Him to enable you to serve Him in a way that’s unexplainable apart from His supernatural hand and power. And by faith, believe Him to grant the anointing you desire and need.


The Quiet Place: DailyDevotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

What difference would it make if you relied on the enabling work of the Spirit instead of your own strength and abilities?