Daily Reflections

Freed to Serve

May 1, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“You know . . . how I was with you the whole time, serving the Lord with all humility, with tears, and during the trials that came.” —Acts 20:18–19

Whether we realize it or not, each of us is involved in ministry. It may be Bible teaching, being a parent, a spouse, or a friend. Our lives are filled with opportunities for “serving the Lord” by serving others.

The word for “serving” in Acts 20 could be literally translated “slaving.” Paul understood that what looked like serving others was actually “slaving” Jesus, being His bondservant. Serving Christ was his true, primary compulsion for ministry.

To our modern ears, the thought of being a “slave” of Christ may seem demeaning. But it’s the only way we can sustain the ability to be
of any use to others. If we’re serving anyone or anything other than Christ, we simply won’t have the staying power to endure the inevitable seasons of opposition, rejection, and adversity.

Only by serving Him—“slaving” Him—will we be able to do with strength, dignity, and joy what God has called us to do in serving others.

Make it Personal

Have you noticed your motivation or energy dwindling when serving others? How can you draw upon God’s grace to continue?