Daily Reflections

First Order of the Day

December 25, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Direct my footsteps according to your word. —Psalm 119:133 NIV

Unless your situation is unusual, this day likely orbits around one central event— celebrating Christmas. And you wouldn’t dream of letting anything interfere with that.

But why isn’t every day so carefully prioritized? Why don’t we endeavor to keep the rest of our lives so similarly focused—to order our schedule according to God’s priorities for our lives?

I’m reminded of the teaching illustration where a speaker begins filling an empty jar with various pea-sized marbles, which eventually take up most of the space, leaving no room for the bigger rocks. But if the big rocks go in first, a lot of the smaller items will still fit into the jar too. And if for some reason the “jar” of your day simply cannot accommodate these minor incidentals, then you’ve only missed out on something of small consequence rather than a key priority.

Just as you’ve likely carefully planned the activities of today, may you allow His Word and His Spirit to order every day around His kingdom priorities.


The Quiet Place: DailyDevotional Readings ©2012 Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

How can you prioritize every day of your life around those things that matter most and let the small stuff fit in around them?