Daily Reflections

Comfort and Power

July 30, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.” —John 14:16

You know how hard goodbyes can be. So, imagine Jesus’ disciples when they knew He was getting ready to leave this earth. Their friend wasn’t just going to another place; He was going to the other side of eternity. They knew people were going to hate them and reject them for their faith. They thought they were going to have to face the opposition alone.

They could not imagine the prospect of facing the future without their best Friend and spiritual leader. They needed comfort and reassurance. And that is exactly what Jesus gave them on their last evening together before He went to the cross, when He introduced them to the Holy Spirit.

It was never in God’s plan to leave His children alone. He always intended to be present with them. “I will never leave you nor forsake you” was not sentimentalism; it was God’s promise— a promise He keeps to this day through the presence of the Holy Spirit, our constant Helper.

Make it Personal

What hope does the truth that God is always with you give you for the circumstances you face today?