Daily Reflections

Bring It Home

August 31, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Share with the saints in their needs; pursue hospitality. —Romans 12:13

More times than I can count, I’ve experienced the joy of being invited into others’ homes and experiencing the gifts of friendship, grace, peace, encouragement, nourishment for my body and soul, and loads of laughter. I’ve found sweet consolation and prayer. I’ve received wise counsel. I’ve found family.

I’ve also had the great joy of opening my heart and home to others—for most of my life as a single woman. Just thinking about these hundreds of occasions over the years makes me smile.

Has it sometimes meant extra stress, weariness, and expense? For sure. Does all the activity and interaction sometimes feel overwhelming? No question. Have I at times resented the messes made by others? Truth be told, yes. But has it been worth it? A thousand times, yes!

This is where deep, rich friendships have been forged. This is where lives have been molded. This is where I’ve acquired “adopted” parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren. This is where we’ve grown, shared, wept, repented, given and received grace, and rejoiced as we celebrated Christ together—at home.

Make it Personal

How have you been blessed through being welcomed into someone’s home? What are ways you can open up your home to others?