Daily Reflections

Aging Beautifully

December 9, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Wisdom is found with the elderly, and understanding comes with long life. —Job 12:12

We’re all aging. Whether we’re twenty, forty, or eighty, the years keep ticking off at what seems to be an increasing rate of speed. But let’s not lose sight that the Bible doesn’t view aging as a bad thing. In fact, it honors those who have gleaned wisdom over many years.

In general, Western culture tends to devalue people as they age, much as we tend to depreciate our own sense of worth as we grow older, becoming unhappy with our appearance and slower pace.

But the aging process can be an opportunity for growth and—by eternal standards—for becoming more beautiful, not less. It can lead to increased fruitfulness and a changing but vital role in the Body of Christ, contributing to the advancement of the kingdom even as we advance in age.

If you find yourself in the biblical category of “older,” your best days as a vital, vibrant model of godliness can still be ahead of you. Each day of life God gives you is an opportunity to continue growing in Christ-like character.


 Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together ©2017 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Scripture taken from The CSB

Make it Personal

Do you believe you can become more beautiful, not less, as you age? Why or why not?