Daily Reflections

A Supernatural Love

September 28, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

By his wounds you have been healed. —1 Peter 2:24

When, in the midst of a difficult relationship, a person comes to a place of brokenness and accepts responsibility for her own sin, when she’s ready for God to change her rather than the other person, and when she’s ready to let God love through her, the results are powerful.

Isn’t that what Calvary is all about? Jesus, the perfect, sinless Son of God, did not sin. Nor was any deceit found in His mouth. When He was wronged, when He suffered, He didn’t retaliate. Instead, He took our sin. By His wounds, undeserved as they were, we are healed (1 Pet. 2:21–25).

There are people you know who will never be spiritually healed unless there’s someone who is willing to love them like Jesus. That means the willingness to absorb their sins. You don’t have to love that way. You can stay selfish, proud, and miserable. Or you can let Christ love through you. Let Him give you a supernatural love for others.

I don’t know if the other person will change, but I can promise that you will.

Make it Personal

Ask God to bring you to a place of brokenness and fill you with His supernatural love so you can love others like Jesus does.