Daily Reflections

A Life Preserver

October 1, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

In the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. —Psalm 57:1

Several years ago, Revive Our Hearts was going through some changes, which in turn brought some challenges. The circumstances left me feeling like the waters of life were a little choppy.

During that time, I picked up a small booklet on stress, which was actually a message on Psalm 131. As I read, I had no way of knowing that within days the winds were going to pick up, and we would soon be in a full-force gale.

In that difficult time, Psalm 131 became a life preserver for me. As I read this psalm over and over, in multiple translations, God used it in the ups and downs of the storm to quiet my heart.

You may not be in a storm right now, but the time will come when you are. This is a great passage to help you through those difficulties. Read it, memorize it, and quote it over and over until it becomes a foundation for your life.

Make it Personal

Make it your goal to read Psalm 131 every day this month in multiple translations and commit its three verses to memory.