Daily Reflections

A Heart for the Home

August 8, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I want younger women to marry, have children, manage their households, and give the adversary no opportunity to accuse us. —1 Timothy 5:14

One of God’s beautiful purposes for the woman is that she creates and manages a welcoming home. He doesn’t provide a specific checklist of chores, nor does He specify that she’s the one who must exclusively do them, nor does He expect that looking after the home will be the sum total of all she does, nor does He want her to idolize the home.

However, Scripture makes it clear that God did create women with a unique “bent” and responsibility for the home. Married or single, women can glorify God by creating warm, inviting spaces conducive to welcoming and nurturing life.

According to 1 Timothy 5:14 and Titus 2:5, the responsibility for managing the home falls primarily (though not exclusively) on the woman’s shoulders. The Greek word translated “workers at home” in Titus 2:5 means to be busy at home, active in household duties, domestically inclined. The heart of domesticity is a devotion to home life. It’s having a heart for the home.

Make it Personal

What are some benefits an inviting home pro- vides for those who live there? How can you develop this atmosphere in your own home?