Daily Reflections

A Father at Heart

February 17, 2022 Betsy Gómez

Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. —Ephesians 6:4

I didn’t grow up with my father, so my first interaction with an actual father at home was with my husband. When we were newlyweds, I was curious about the type of father he would become, and nowadays it amazes me to see him instructing our children in the Lord.

What’s sad, however, is that even though I highly respect him, it’s easy for me to point out his weaknesses. I often think I have a better explanation for the kids or that because I spend more time with them, I know what’s best. Bottom line, I think I can do it better. This is the sinful seed of pride bearing fruit.

We need grace to encourage our husbands as fathers. We need to cultivate humility to allow our spouses’ leadership to flourish in our homes. If you have children, let your husband take the lead and celebrate him for doing it. If not, then thank him for how he reflects God’s character to children around you.

Make it Personal

What attitudes, if any, do you need to change to foster a more supportive environment for your husband to grow as a father?