
Set Free to Serve Challenge: 5 Days of …
All leaders have one thing in common: we need God’s truth to point women to the freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness found only in Christ, the living Word.

Five Secrets to Staying in Ministry
Does ministry seem just too hard in 2021? Remember these biblical principles to remain steadfast.

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #8: How …
Ready for fall ministry? Here’s the final survival tool you need . . .

Leading When Your Faith Feels Weak
How do we minister hope and truth when our own hearts are bleeding?

When Leaders Unite Across Generation Gaps
When baby boomers and millennials labor side by side, our differences are diminished when our overarching desire is to exalt Christ.

Four Ways God Uses a Leader’s Suffering
God uses our trials and suffering to encourage the faith of the women we serve.