Two Kinds of Desires

Every day, lonely women connect with potential lovers via the Internet’s many social media sites. Other women try to stifle their longing with food, prescription drugs, or some other addiction. I’ve spoken with women who’ve turned to alcohol, cutting, masturbation, even crystal meth to satisfy their longing.

The drive to fill your life with pleasure isn’t wrong. But attempting to replace Jesus, the Living Bread, with substitutes is like filling your mouth with gravel (Prov. 20:17). I encourage you to read through the descriptions below and consider whether you are feeding desires that will enslave you, or cultivating desires that will lead to fruitfulness.

Desires that Enslave You:

  • spring from self-centered thoughts and motives
  • are shrouded in secrecy or fulfilled under the cover of darkness
  • can lead to crossing lines that go far beyond God’s clear direction
  • carry with them a fear of being caught while gratifying them
  • have an addictive pull
  • require layers of justification based on your “unique” situation or need
  • are “all about me”
  • prevent sincere worship

Gratification of these desires:

  • involves anything that is morally corrupt, spiritually perverted, and physically harmful or addictive
  • leaves you with feelings of guilt and shame, but always hungry for more
  • brings harm to others

In contrast to the desires of the flesh and the destruction they produce, Galatians 5 describes the fruit produced by the desires of the Spirit as: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control . . .”

Desires that Lead to Fruitfulness:

  • spring from God’s passion for His glory
  • can be openly shared with others
  • lead to fulfilling God’s purposes for your life
  • carry with them a profound sense of joy and anticipation for the future
  • are cultivated by abiding in Christ
  • are beyond ordinary
  • are “all about His glory”
  • lead to worship

Fulfillment of these desires:

  • may involve hard work, long hours, blood, sweat, or tears
  • brings spiritual growth and greater freedom
  • inspires others to gain a closer walk with Christ

If you recognize yourself in any of the descriptions which bring enslavement, please call a godly friend who will speak truth into your life. Ask her to pray for you and hold you accountable. If you leave a comment below, our team will be praying for you, too!

About the Author

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner

Kimberly Wagner is the author of Fierce Women: The Power of a Soft Warrior and is a frequent guest on Revive Our Hearts radio program, as well as a regular contributor to the blog. Kimberly's passion is Christ and she … read more …

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