On Marrying Later, God’s Gift of Words, and Loving the Vulnerable

Waiting Outside an Abortion Clinic Years Ago Was Worth It

For ten years, once a week Karen Swallow Prior would wait outside abortion clinics in her city. “Most of the hours I spent outside the abortion clinic are now a blur of defeat and despair,” Karen writes. “However, punctuating all this failure every once in a while, a woman would change her mind—quietly, tearfully, joyfully, or all three—and decide not to have an abortion.” As Karen explains, we often do not see the fruit of our efforts, but every now and then, God gives us a glimpse. Read this post.

Words Are the Greatest Gifts

Have you ever considered that words are the secret of Christmas? “Words are God’s vessel for passing joy from one soul to another,” David Mathis says. “In His first advent, the Word became flesh that the very joy of God—eternal, indomitable, unassailable, unshakable—might become our joy. That Word, His words, and our words about Him are the greatest gifts of Christmas.” Read this post.

A Case for Marrying Later

As statistics have shown more and more young people marrying later in life, many in the church have expressed concern. Lore Ferguson Wilbert agrees that aimless, meandering singleness does not serve anyone, but “the purposeful, intentional, poured out life of an unmarried person for the good of the church, the community, and the earth, is a very great gift.” Read this post.

Sally Lloyd-Jones on the Importance of Reading to Children

One of my favorite guests to appear on FamilyLife recently is Sally Lloyd-Jones, author of The Jesus Storybook Bible. In these two episodes of the podcast, Sally talks with Dennis Rainey, Barbara Rainey, and Bob Lepine about the power of sharing stories with children, especially during this holiday season. How can you help children understand and apply the Bible stories you read to them? Listen to these episodes.

God Has a Heart for the Vulnerable. Do You?

“When the family with the severely autistic teenage boy has the courage to come to your church, you are given a profound opportunity,” Paul Martin says. “The local church, that little outpost of heaven on earth, must be the place where the disabled are esteemed.” Because God loves the vulnerable, we should, too. Read this post.

Listings here do not imply endorsement.

About the Author

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep was working as a hospital teacher when God called her to join Revive Our Hearts as a staff writer. She serves remotely from Houston, Texas, where God sustains her through saltwater beaches, Scripture, and her local church. Katie's … read more …

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