Let’s Start Praying for Revival Today

With my own two eyes, I’ve seen Him do it.

I’ve seen the Lord restore marriages that seemed broken beyond repair. 
I’ve seen Him bring reconciliation in relationships that looked too far gone. 
I’ve seen Him reshape hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. 
I’ve seen Him heal. 
I’ve felt Him move. 
I’ve watched Him intervene. 

That’s how I know, deep down in my guts, that He will do it againthe Lord will send revival. He is able to breathe new life into my own heart, my own family, and His own Church in these days.

In Malachi 3:6, God declared, “I the LORD do not change.” Let’s consider revival through this grid. 

The greatest indicator that He will send revival is the undeniable fact that He has sent revival, over and over (and over). Our unchanging God has been changing hearts for millennia.

Does your heart need revival?
Do your relationships need resuscitation?
Do you long to see God’s people restored to a right relationship with Him?

Then consider this challenge an invitation to seek the Lord and trust Him to keep His promises. 

For the next twelve days, we will:

Look up and intentionally focus on God’s unique ability to breathe new life into the hearts of His people.
Look in and consider what areas of our own lives we’d like to see God revive. 
Look out, asking the Lord to send revival to His Church and beyond. 

Each day you’ll be challenged to pray for revival specifically and to trust the life-giving promises of God. 

The psalmist was staking his own claim in the promises of God when he declared, 

When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive (Ps. 69:32, emphasis added). 

Who does God revive? Those who choose to seek Him.

Thank you for accepting the challenge to dedicate the next twelve days to praying for revival. Let’s seek Him together, assured that, as we do, He will restore, renew, and revive us. 

For it is the time to seek the LORD. (Hos. 10:12)

Seeking Him Together, 


About the Author

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is married to her high school sweetheart, Jason, and together they parent four energetic boys on their small farm in the midwest. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, the content manager … read more …

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