Articles, Resources, and More (12/16/16)

Why Doesn't God Heal People We Love?

During the last five decades, Joni Eareckson Tada has asked one question many times: “Why doesn’t God heal me?” If you or a loved one have wondered why only some people are healed, or how we should respond when God does not take away our pain, you’ll want to read Joni’s response to these common inquiries. “Although God hates affliction, He permits it to accomplish something far more precious than the comforts of this world can ever offer: Christ in us, the hope of glory.” Read this post.

Catastrophe in Aleppo as Cease Fire Dissolves

“The last couple of days, there have been some of the most horrifying headlines and messages imaginable coming from that ancient city in Syria.” Albert Mohler has provided analysis to help Christians understand these headlines. As he says, “The scale of the suffering going on in Aleppo really should have our attention.” To learn more about what is happening in Syria, listen to Wednesday's episode of The Briefing.

You Are Not Alone: For Women Fighting Every Man’s Battle

Calley Sivils is a single woman in her twenties who loves the Lord and who also struggles with, as she says, “allowing lesser pleasures to take my eyes away from [God] in the form of intense lust . . . the kind that, in some minds, is exclusive to men.” This post will help your understanding of biblical purity, for “it is incomparably more satisfying to know the God of infinite wisdom and mercy, to serve him with everything, including [your] body and thoughts.” Read this post.

5 Reasons to Read the Bible When You Feel Absolutely Nothing

Stephen Altrogge describes a morning devotional scenario, which might feel familiar to you: you’re barely awake, Bible in hand, stumbling through your daily reading, only to end with “no deep sense of God’s abiding presence. No spiritual flashbangs or burning bushes.” Stephen says we should not allow sleep, sickness, or general laziness to prevent us from reading Scripture for, as he explains, our growth and safety and lives depend on it. Read this post.

He Came Down: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

You don’t want to miss this four-minute video of precious children with Down Syndrome sharing the story of Christmas. Let me warn you though: you’ll need to grab Kleenex before you hear them say, “He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all . . . and he feeleth for our sadness, and he shareth in our gladness.” Watch this video.

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About the Author

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep

Katie Laitkep was working as a hospital teacher when God called her to join Revive Our Hearts as a staff writer. She serves remotely from Houston, Texas, where God sustains her through saltwater beaches, Scripture, and her local church. Katie's … read more …

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