How to Change the World
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one drive at a time!Buckle up! You’re about to grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus.
Welcome to the last episode of Season 3 of the True Girl podcast featuring Dannah Gresh, the founder of True Girl. She’s joined by the beloved Staci Ruldolph! And by now, you know that Chizzy Anderson has been reading our Bible verses.
If you want to be so full of truth that there’s no room for the world’s lies, you’re in the right place. Today we’re gonna talk about how to change the world.
Let’s get moving for season 3, episode 8: “How to Change the World.” Here’s Dannah.
Dannah Gresh: Hey, hey, hey, it’s Dannah Gresh here.
Staci Rudolph: And you probably know that I am Staci Rudolph.
Dannah: Now, …
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s truth for us one drive at a time!Buckle up! You’re about to grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus.
Welcome to the last episode of Season 3 of the True Girl podcast featuring Dannah Gresh, the founder of True Girl. She’s joined by the beloved Staci Ruldolph! And by now, you know that Chizzy Anderson has been reading our Bible verses.
If you want to be so full of truth that there’s no room for the world’s lies, you’re in the right place. Today we’re gonna talk about how to change the world.
Let’s get moving for season 3, episode 8: “How to Change the World.” Here’s Dannah.
Dannah Gresh: Hey, hey, hey, it’s Dannah Gresh here.
Staci Rudolph: And you probably know that I am Staci Rudolph.
Dannah: Now, if you look around, you can probably see lots of problems in our world, right? I mean, pandemics . . .
News announcer: New cases rose sharply last week . . .
Dannah: . . . wars, hurricanes, and floods.And it’s not just the big, scary global things, just look around your neighborhood.
You’ll see lonely girls who maybe just moved into town. An older couple who can’t put up their own Christmas lights or rake their own leaves or mow their own grass.
Our world needs help! But . . . there are a lot of opinions about how to help.
Staci: That took a hard turn fast!
Dannah: Well, Staci, I’m super concerned! I know we started the podcast all happy and “hey, hey, hey,” and then I was like doom and disaster. But I think we all know that the world needs help, but we end up fighting about how to do it.
I mean, let’s say you and I have a friend whose mom is sick. She cannot even cook for the family. So, me and my mom decide, “Let’s make them baked chicken spaghetti, garlic cheese bread, and salted caramel brownies.
Staci: Mmm, mmm, mmm to those salted caramel brownies! But doesn’t our friend’s mom need healthy food? Like, my mom and I could whip up some vegan Mediterranean chickpea pilaf, a side salad with lemon wedge for dressing, and a nice juicy pear.
Dannah: Chickpea pilaf? Staci! Who eats that stuff?
Staci: Healthy people or people who want to get healthy?
Dannah: Are you saying I’m not healthy?
Staci: Are you saying no one likes my mom’s Mediterranean chickpea pilaf?
Dannah: Hold it! Hold it! Okay, there’s more than one way to help our friend and her sick mom. We’ve got to figure out how to discuss our different opinions.
That’s precisely why the apostle Paul wrote Philippians 2, which is where our key verse comes from today. You see, Paul saw a lot of disagreements and division in the church at Philippi. They were fighting about how to do things and how to solve problems. So, he wrote to the church there with some instructions.
Staci: Here’s Chizzy Anderson to share an important Bible verse that could help Dannah and I solve our dilemma. This is Philippians 2:1–3.
Chizzy Anderson:
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Dannah: Paul says, “Hey, first of all, the encouragement you need to give in all circumstances comes from one place—Christ Jesus! Not you, not your mom, not even salted caramel brownies. Jesus, His comfort and His love is what we serve up when someone needs help.
Staci: Then Paul goes on to explain, if you’re gonna show someone the encouragement and love of Christ, you have to have the same mind, same love, one mind. It’s talking about the mind of Jesus. You have to think like He does.
Which means, you have gotta find a way to be unified in how you approach things.
Dannah: So, how is that possible when one person wants to make the world’s most amazing baked chicken spaghetti?
Staci: And one wants to make a healthy Mediterranean chickpea pilaf?
Dannah: Humility!
Staci: “Do not do anything out of selfish ambition or conceit.”
Dannah: “But instead, in humility count others better than yourselves.” You know who can teach us how to do that? Jesus! He lived in humility. He counted you and I worth more than His own physical life!
Do you know what happens when we start live like this?
Staci: We take baked chicken spaghetti and chickpea pilaf to our friend’s house?
Dannah: Well, possibly! But more than that, we let Jesus shine! Instead of trying to be the center of attention ourselves, you know what I mean?
Staci: That reminds me of Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” We talked about that verse a few weeks ago, remember?
Dannah: Yeah, we are together one magnificent light—kind of like a city. It’s not a Dannah on a hill!
Staci: Or a Staci on a hill!
Dannah: It’s a city on a hill.
Staci: When we put on humility and seek to bring the comfort of Christ, then, we’re that magnificent light in a dark world that God needs us to be!
Ready for a new song?
Dannah: I am.
Staci: Here’s “True Girl Nation” the song we wrote for you based on Philippians 2:1-3 and Matthew 5:14.
Song: “True Girl Nation”
You know, it starts tonight.
If we all lended a hand, we could change the world.
We gotta be the light,
Use our voice help every boy and girl.
Be that city on a hill
And the salt of the earth.
Be that one in a million.
Tell ’em of their worth,
We won’t try and hide it.
We’ve gotta go and shine,
Be the stars in the night.
We’re a true girl nation.
Yeah we’re a true girl nation.
Everybody come on now.
Everybody come on now, hey,
We’re a true girl nation.
We gotta unify.
Yeah, we’re better together put love in motion.
It’s up to you and I,
Help those in need, share the love, yeah, we gotta do it.
Be that city on a hill
And the salt of the earth.
Be that one in a million.
Tell em of their worth.
We won’t try and hide it,
We’ve gotta go and shine.
Be the stars in the night.
We’re a true girl nation.
Yeah, we’re a true girl nation.
Everybody come on now.
Everybody come on now, hey,
We’re a true girl nation.
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
If you’re with me let’s unite,
Better together for life.
Shine like the stars in the sky,
Shine like the stars, yeah.
If you’re with me let’s unite,
Better together for life.
Shine like the stars in the sky,
Oh, oh.
We’re a true girl nation.
Yeah, we’re a true girl nation.
Everybody come on now.
Everybody come on now, hey.
We’re a true girl nation.
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
Are you with me?
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
Are you a true girl?
Cause I’m a true girl.
Staci: Are you a true girl!?
Dannah: Heyyyyyy.
Staci: Cause I’m a true girl!
Dannah: Ooohhhh.
Okay, so I’m not, I can’t, I’m glad, we’ll leave that up to you guys—the singing part. But what’s so great about that song is that it brings us all together. No matter who we are, we are all one through Jesus Christ!
Staci: And if we want to change the world, we have to work together! So, about that meal, what do ya think of the chicken and the pilaf . . . and the salad and the garlic bread?
Dannah: I think it all sounds better together!
Staci: Me too!
Now the real question is, did you happen to make enough salted caramel brownies for us to have some?
Dannah: I didn’t actually make anything! It was, ya know, figurative, like fictional, like an idea. I said, “Let’s say we have a friend whose mom is sick . . .” I was pretending.
Staci: No one’s sick!
Dannah: No.
Staci: Can you make salted caramel brownies anyway?
Dannah: Staci . . .
Claire: Well, that’s got me hungry for salted caramel brownies! Maybe Mom and I can bake some while we listen to the True Girl Original Album. Remember, there are eleven songs, and we only included eight in this season’s True Girl podcast. You can download the whole album or purchase a CD at MyTrueGirl.com.
Remember, the songs you listen to not only impact how you feel, but also what you believe! So, it’s important to listen to the right kinds of songs.
Well, that’s it for Season 3 of the True Girl podcast. Stay connected with us by registering for one of our upcoming online Bible studies for tweens and moms. Or subscribe to our monthly mom/daughter discipleship tools! You can do all that at MyTrueGirl.com! We just want to bring moms and daughters closer to each other and closer to Jesus!
The True Girl podcast is produced by Revive Our Hearts, calling women of all ages to live in the humility of Christ.
“True Girl Nation” music and lyrics by Carmen Hadley and David Thulin.
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.