The Deep Well with Erin Davis Podcast

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Episode 5: What Flourishing Means to a Flailing World

Carol Anne Beck: God may call His people to be missionaries, pastors, and teachers. And He also calls people to be filmmakers, moms, firefighters, and mechanics. Here’s Erin Davis.

Erin Davis: We need Christians in every sphere because, as God’s people flourish, it touches the lives of others. We may not even understand it.

Carol Anne: Welcome to The Deep Well with Erin Davis. I’m Carol Anne Beck.

I hope you’ve experienced a new level of flourishing in all of life while listening to this series from Erin. She’s been in Psalm 92, exploring that concept: flourishing. We’re calling the series, “Among the Sequoias.” Here’s Erin.

Erin: Well, this is the last episode in this series. And if this is the first episode of The Deep Well you’ve ever listened to, or you’ve listened to all of them, I want you to hear me say that it is a …

About the Teacher

Erin Davis

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is married to her high school sweetheart, Jason, and together they parent four energetic boys on their small farm in the midwest. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, the content manager … read more …

About the Guest

Carol Anne Beck

Carol Anne Beck

Carol Anne Clemons Beck is a wife, mother of two and a Christian School music teacher. Being widowed at 24, her journey of joy through grief began and continues to this day.