Watching Parents Pray
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Moms, you can’t imagine how important it is for your children to know that you spend time with the Lord.
Woman: I remember the mornings, even now. I would wake up to hear someone weeping in our front room. I would walk in and find my mother on her knees, praying.
Nancy: For them to know that when you wake them up, you’ve already prayed for them.
Woman: Chills would just go through me, and I would start crying.
Nancy: Even now, whenever I’m tempted to skip my time with the Lord, I have the image of a mom and dad who spent time with God first thing in the morning.
Woman: How comforting it was to hear her and see her there—just her and her God. I will always hide that in my mind.
Nancy: Your children need to know that the words of Isaiah 50:4 are true for you: “He wakens me morning by morning, wakens me like one being taught.”
Woman: Watching her through my childhood, I have learned to make my own prayer time with just me and God. I love you, Mom. Thank you so very much.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.