The Quiet Time Chair
(answering machine beep)
Woman: When I get up to have my quiet time with God, I see all the toys in front of me and realize I need to clean up. Then I see the pile of yesterday’s mail and realize I need to pay bills. It’s hard to concentrate! Can you think of anything that will help me concentrate better?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Believe me, I understand! I get this amazing urge to do housework when I’m trying to pray. One thing I’ve found helpful is to find a place away from all the distractions.
In one corner of my study, there’s a comfortable chair that’s become my quiet time chair. Just like Moses pitching the “tent of meeting” outside the Israelite camp, I’ve often used this chair as my place set apart to meet with God.
When is the last time you spent undistracted time alone with the Lord? Let me encourage you to find the place in your home—maybe even in your vehicle—that’s most conducive for meeting with God. Then go there, and spend time in the Word of God and prayer.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.