The Main Issue
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Marriages can be plagued by all kinds of different issues.
Man: Money! That’s where all our fights start.
Woman 1: We just came from really different backgrounds.
Woman 2: Our main problem is communication. As in, he won’t communicate!
Nancy: The church in Corinth faced all kinds of problems, just like a normal marriage today. The apostle Paul wrote to address those problems but came back over and over to the issue of love.
The main problem was that the people weren’t letting God’s agape love flow through them. Agape love involves giving to someone else without expecting anything in return. Just as God’s love would have solved the problems in Corinth, God’s love will also transform a marriage.
Paul writes about that kind of love in 1 Corinthians 13. Would you read that passage and ask God to love your mate through you? He can help you address specific issues with a heart attitude of His agape love.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.