The Great Cloud
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Dr. Vance Havner told the story of an old-time preacher who worked through the night on a sermon for his tiny congregation. His wife asked him why he was spending so much time on a sermon so few would hear. He answered, “My dear, you forget how large my audience will be.”
That preacher understood the reality of what Hebrews describes as a “great cloud of witnesses.” They’re gathered in a kind of heavenly grandstand, watching us as we run our race on earth.
Dr. Havner wrote, "Nothing is trivial here if heaven looks on." So maybe it seems like no one notices all the little things you do every day for your family. Remember, the angels are watching. Maybe it seems like no one notices when you refuse to cut corners at work. The citizens of heaven are watching. And when it seems like no one knows when you say no to temptation, remember the Lord is watching.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.