One Thing is Needed
“I keep the house clean because I love my family, but while I’m cleaning, I end up griping at them all day.”
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: It’s easy to start with the best intentions to serve others. But we can get so consumed by details that we forget why we’re serving in the first place.
That’s what happened to Martha. We read her story in Luke 10. She had a sincere desire to serve Jesus and His disciples, but she got obsessed with her to-do list and ended up perturbed with her sister and with Jesus Himself.
Jesus said to Martha, “You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.”
That one thing was to sit at His feet, listening to His Word, responding to Him in love and worship.
As you serve others today, the best place to start is at the feet of Jesus. He’ll help you keep the right focus as you serve those around you.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy Leigh DeMoss.