A Sun-Scorched Land
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: “The rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.” That’s a phrase from Psalm 68 that has often spoken to my heart. Sometimes we find ourselves in a dry, lonely place just because of our own rebellious hearts.
I remember a desert season in my life after the death of a close friend. First there was the natural grieving process. But then I became resentful and angry because God had taken this person home. I didn’t accept His plan.
For eighteen months I lived in a desert of my own making. The breakthrough finally came when I bowed before the Lord and said, “Yes, Lord. I accept Your will in this matter, and I give You thanks.”
If you’re in a desert because of some choices you’ve made, would you humble yourself? Accept God’s goodness and His purposes. Worship Him. In His time, He will lead you out of the desert.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.