Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Every time we disobey God, it’s like taking a step away from Him.
Woman: God wants me to forgive people, and I can pretty much forgive everybody, but not my ex-husband.
Nancy: Obedience can take a few different forms. For example, there are things we know God wants us to do, but we just haven’t done them yet.
Woman 2: How could I possibly take one day of rest a week?
Woman 3: I never truly honored my parents.
Nancy: Obedience might include stopping some things we know God doesn’t want us to do.
Man: If my wife knew what I was looking at online—hmm.
Nancy: Obedience also means removing any limits for what we are willing to do for God.
Woman 4: If following You means moving to a new city, I’ll do it, Lord.
Nancy: Are there some things you know you need to do? Why not take a step closer to God today in obedience?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.