A Heart Checkup
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: You wouldn’t trust a doctor who performed a checkup based only on outward appearances.
Man 1: Well, you look pretty healthy to me. Let’s not run any tests.
Man 2: Well, thanks!
Nancy: If your cholesterol is high or there’s blockage in your arteries, you need to know. You want some tests to determine what’s happening on the inside.
Should we be any less concerned about our spiritual heart condition? We all have a history of spiritual heart disease. It’s not what’s on the outside that counts. We need to let God examine us on the inside and diagnose those things we can’t see for ourselves.
Jesus came to do radical heart surgery—to cleanse and transform us from the inside out by the power of His death and resurrection.
Why not make an appointment with the Great Physician? Let Him examine your heart in the light of His Word.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.