Stories of Strength Found in Heaven’s Rule

Testimonies of Changed Lives

From moms of teen daughters to wives of terminal patients—the lord has used the truth of Heaven Rules to bring healing and hope to women just when they need it. As Vanessa put it, “I just finished reading Heaven Rules. It changed my life forever.” Savor these snapshots of some of the transformative stories God has written over the last year and praise Him for the ways He is at work through Revive Our Hearts.

Heaven Rules in the Face of Loss

“Three years ago we said goodbye to our twenty-four- week-old baby who was diagnosed with an extremely rare issue. The Lord saw fit that our newest baby would also be in His presence. Today I am recovering from the surgery that took that baby without a heartbeat from my womb. You know what I am reading? Heaven Rules.

“My baby was due June 13, the same day Samuel Bollinger was born. As soon as I realized I was due on that day, I thought of him. Samuel’s life testified of Heaven’s rule, and I clung to that as I fought off fear of pregnancy again. When my husband and I were told at nine weeks that our baby had no heartbeat, those words rang even clearer in my heart.

“So as I sit on my bed, I am reminded I can indeed trust the rule of my Father. He has never once stepped off His throne. Revive Our Hearts’ precious resources are helping me heal once again.” —Jessica*

Watch Samuel’s Story on YouTube by scanning the QR code.

Heaven Rules through Generations

“I just finished going through Heaven Rules with my sixteen-year-old daughter. We had many great conversations and opportunities to apply these truths to real-life situations. I am thrilled my daughter wants to learn and grow in her walk with the Lord and is using Revive Our Hearts’ resources to do that!” —Julie*

Heaven Rules in the Face of Cancer

Heaven Rules really helped me to change my perspective on my husband’s terminal cancer. I have much more peace to accept the situation and be able to let go knowing God has it in control.” —Ellen*

Heaven Rules: A Shareable Message

“A woman generously gave each lady attending a conference at her church Heaven Rules. One lady took time off work to finish reading it. Several of them have bought copies to give to others. The ladies are growing and desiring to grow more than ever before!” —Tara*

Now you can bring the message that Heaven Rules to your church! Find the resources you need to host your next women’s event in the Revive Our Hearts Event Toolkit.