Overflowing Thanksgiving? Don't Hold Back
“I recently moved across the country from my family and closest friends, and the Lord knew I needed encouragement from godly, older women. I listen to your podcast nearly every day on my morning walks, and it has been vital in my growth and walk with the Lord.
“After seeing the impact your ministry has had on my life, my husband agreed to partner with Revive Our Hearts monthly! Thank you for being so devoted to investing in lives of women across the globe for the kingdom of God. I pray it will continue to spread and change other women’s lives as it has my own.”
—Rebekah Johnson
Rebekah’s story is simple, and we love to tell simple stories like hers around Revive Our Hearts.
While we joyfully celebrate the wonder of dramatic life transformations—marriages restored to wholeness, hearts lifted from deep depression into abundant joy, forgiveness extended to long-estranged relatives—we also celebrate the quieter glories of God at work in the simplicity of everyday lives.
We celebrate the impact of one thriving woman on the life of other women as she spreads the message of freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ.
Her gratitude overflows. That describes our Ministry Partners in a nutshell. Ministry Partners have experienced the abundant truth of God’s Word through Revive Our Hearts and joyfully express their gratitude. Their monthly financial gifts and prayers overflow to the hearts of other women, sisters and strangers alike.
Without these core partners, we wouldn’t be able to keep sharing God’s Word with more and more women as our ministry expands around the globe.
Have you experienced the kind of gratitude that says, “I can’t keep this all to myself”? Then don’t hold back! Let your gratitude overflow: join our Monthly Partner team. For a gift of $30 or more per month, you’ll be a part of sharing the truth that has changed your own life with other women around the world.