Leadership Resources: Womanhood

A Call to Biblical Womanhood (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Learn, affirm, and live out the biblical pattern of womanhood, for God's glory and your enjoyment.

An Open Letter to the Smart, Successful, Strong Woman

Heidi Jo Fulk

Thoughts to consider on the journey of womanhood.

A Vision for Biblical Womanhood

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy explains biblical passages that describe the roles of men and women in a series that will motivate you to serve God in uniquely feminine ways.

A Woman’s Complementary Role (Ligon Duncan)

Ligon Duncan

When we learn to revel in the counter-cultural truths of Scripture of how men and women are to relate to each other, we suddenly find that far from being stifling, they're liberating.

Becoming a Woman of Discretion

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

She reminds us of the power of our influence and asks penetrating questions that help identify ways we may unknowingly be tearing down the lives of those around us.

Biblical Portrait of Womanhood (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Understand and embrace the distinct purpose God created you for.

Common Questions Asked About Womanhood

Revive Our Hearts Staff Writers

Answers to common questions we receive at Revive Our Hearts about womanhood.

Complementarianism for Dummies

Mary Kassian

If you hear someone tell you that complementarity means you have to get married, have dozens of babies, be a stay-at-home housewife, don't believe her.

Did the Fall Cause It All?

Kimberly Wagner

As women, we often fight against the very thing that brings real freedom and joy.

Does Gender Matter?

Erin Davis

What is Baby Storm’s claim to fame? The fact that his/her parents have opted to leave their baby’s gender a secret.

Don't Be a Wimp: Kicking the Habits That Make Women Weak

Mary Kassian

The apostle Paul gives a warning to the danger facing weak-willed women. Mary Kassian looks to Scripture to explore seven characteristics of weak women. She'll show you how to say "no" to foolish behavior and "yes" to godly wisdom and strength.

Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild (Mary Kassian)

Mary Kassian

Be captivated, challenged, and impassioned to be far more than the world’s model of a wild woman through Girls Gone Wise—a study of the Proverbs 7 woman.

God's Beautiful Design for Women: Titus 2:1-5

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Join Nancy as she digs into Titus 2:1-5 to discover God's beautiful design for you as a woman. Along the way, learn how to mentor younger women in their own journey toward godliness.

How Today's Women Differ From Our Pilgrim Foremothers

Bambi Moore

It’s more than technology and the passing of years that separates us from the hard-working and faithful Pilgrim women.

Plastic Womanhood

Mary Kassian

With her beauty, clothes, cars, houses, careers, and independence, Ms. Roberts is the epitome of fulfilled womanhood.

Regaining Womanhood

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The evangelical world is often confused and off base about the identity and calling of women.

The Counter-Cultural Woman: A Fresh Look at Proverbs 31

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Join Nancy as she encourages you, whether single or married, young or old, to be the excellent woman God created you to be.

The Dance of Complementarity

Mary Kassian

Wouldn't it be amazing if your marriage with your husband could be like a smooth Tango or a lively Cha Cha?

The True Woman "Click"

Mary Kassian

The “Click!” or “Aha!” moments are when our perspectives suddenly shift, and we begin to see the whole world in a different light.

The Ultimate Meaning of True Womanhood

John Piper

What it is to be a True Woman from the perspective of the Bible. This message is also available to watch and to read a written transcript.

True Woman 101: Divine Design

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Mary Kassian

The world's brand of womanhood is being tossed off by thousands as they join a quiet counterrevolution.

True Woman 101 Videos

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Mary Kassian

Eight videos featuring Nancy, Mary, and their friends discussing the content from each chapter of True Woman 101.

True Woman Manifesto (Nancy Leigh DeMoss)

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

The True Woman Manifesto is comprised of thirty-five statements—each based on Scripture—and is designed to be fleshed out in your daily life.

True Woman Manifesto Series

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy covers in depth each point from the True Woman Manifesto.

What Is a True Woman?

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Nancy says when you embrace biblical truth and act on it, it will impact the world around you in surprising ways. This message is available to watch and to read the transcript.

Whoa—Not the "S" Word!

Kimberly Wagner

Do you cringe when you hear the "S" word? Sadly, submission is greatly misunderstood and often misapplied.