Leadership Resources: Abortion
Breaking the Cycle of Impurity, with Maryann Loveing
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
A lot of women are afraid that past sin disqualifies them from teaching purity to their children. But it doesn’t.
Fighting for Life: the Stories of Jason, Kelly, and Rebecca
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Abortion seems to be the only answer to their "problem." That is, until they walk out of the abortion clinic with a whole new set of problems.
Finding True Life, with Jennifer Smith
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Jennifer went from delivering a speech against abortion, to undergoing abortion herself, to finding hope and forgiveness.
How Pro-Life Are You, Really?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
When it comes down to our daily actions and thoughts, do we really demonstrate how much we value life?
Life Is Precious to God
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Many will be convicted by the surprising twist that Nancy shares, getting deep into the heart of the issue.
Post-Abortion Syndrome
Learn more about how post-abortion syndrome affects women who have had abortions.
Rescue the Perishing
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy addresses the annual banquet of her local Pregnancy Care Center.
Ten Fingers,Ten Toes, and a Beating Heart, with Nancy Lincoln
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Nancy believed many lies while pursuing a promiscuous lifestyle.
You Did It. You Hid It. You Will Never Be Rid of It.
Andrea Griffith
After ending the life of her unborn child through abortion, these words played over and over in her mind.