The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood

The Joy of Embracing Biblical Womanhood

Have you ever felt like God’s design for women is less than ideal? Have you rejected the idea of biblical womanhood because it sounds restrictive and confining? Discover the purpose for which God made us women, the awesome beauty of His design, and the joy you can discover when you fully embrace how He created you.

Running Time: 56 minutes


Laura Perry Smalts: Thank you, I am glad to be here. It’s interesting, I was thinking about the fact that I’m teaching a breakout on the joy of embracing biblical womanhood is hysterical, if you know my story.

For anyone who doesn’t (I kind of assume that everybody does), but I lived as transgender for about nine years and had surgeries and hormones and all kinds of other messes. 

But the Lord delivered me out of that mess, and so I’m just incredibly grateful to the Lord, because I didn’t think I’d ever look like a girl again. I didn’t ever think I’d feel like a girl again, and I just couldn’t image. There was just so much pain there in being a woman, and I think for so many of us, even if you’ve never had a thought of wanting to be a man, I think there are so …

About the Speaker

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts is an author and speaker who shares her story of how Jesus Christ rescued her from a transgender identity. She also speaks and teaches on a variety of topics related to transgenderism and God’s design of human beings as male and female. She has had the privilege to tell her story on a variety of platforms including radio, video, TV, and more including the documentary In His Image and to teach at conferences, schools, and churches. Her story is available in her autobiography, Transgender to Transformed. She and her husband, Perry, now run a ministry called Eden’s Redemption which aims to teach and equip people to understand gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective.