How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender

How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender

Sept. 23, 2022 Dannah Gresh speaking at How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender, Janet Mylin speaking at How to Talk to Your Daughter about Gender

There was a time when we would never have dreamed of needing a workshop like this, right? Not only is the topic of gender prevalent; it’s polarizing, dividing friends, families and even the Body of Christ. If you’re a mom who feels scared and ill-equipped for this conversation, you need to know something: you are not alone. The True Girl lead teachers have joined forces to facilitate this workshop for moms and grandmas with girls at all developmental stages, especially tweens (ages 7–12).

Running Time: 52 minutes


Dannah Gresh: Okay, before we get into the content, I wanted to kind of have a disclaimer . . . and introduce my wonderful friends to you.

The disclaimer is this: we’re going to dive into some content about how to talk to your daughter about gender. But how to talk to your daughter about anything that terrifies you is all about getting her into God’s Word.

If she understands what the truth of God’s Word says about anything, then when these topics come up, she’s going to have a sense of what is true and what’s not, and she’s going to come to you when she hears something that’s not true. So, we really want you to get your daughters into God’s Word!

In fact, hopefully you’ve seen in your tote bags, we have a True Girl subscription. Over the pandemic we were like, “How do we take a …

About the Speakers

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh

Dannah Gresh is the co-host of Revive Our Hearts podcast and the founder of True Girl, a ministry dedicated to providing tools to help moms and grandmas disciple their 7–12-year-old girls. She has authored over twenty-eight books, including a Bible study for adult women based on the book of Habakkuk. Dannah and her husband, Bob, live on a hobby farm in central Pennsylvania.

Janet Mylin

Janet Mylin

Janet Mylin loves the body of Christ and believes in the healing power of godly vulnerability. She is a Lead Teacher and Mom Mentor for True Girl, Dannah Gresh's ministry to tween girls and their moms. Janet self-published Arrows Make Terrible Crowns: How the Holy Spirit Healed My View of Motherhood and co-authored The One Year Mother-Daughter Devo and Just Call Me Kate, a fiction book for tween girls.