Cultivating Contentment

Cultivating Contentment

In a world that offers up many temporal pleasures, the one treasure that seems most elusive is the rare jewel of Christian contentment. Yet, the apostle Paul was able to write from a Roman prison, “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content” (Phil. 4:11). How can we learn this same lesson in the midst of life’s ups and downs? This workshop will seek to understand the meaning of contentment, the snares that keep us from joy, and how to cultivate contentment within our hearts

Running Time: 60 minutes


Melissa Kruger: One thing I’m really excited about today . . . Sometimes when you speak you can be concerned, “Oh, is anything I’m going to say going to matter?” Today I’m really excited, because after Nancy and Joni last night, I don’t really think it matters what I say! (laughter)

I called one of my friends and said, “I keep crying because all the stories! I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much at a conference in my life!” But I was also so struck that both of them really exemplified this notion of what it means when Heaven rules and how that deeply affects our contentment.

They didn’t maybe use the word “contentment,” but what we saw lived in Joni’s life was this deep, deep contentment, even when she’s sitting in that bed in deep pain, fighting—seriously, yelling out Scriptures to trust the Lord. It’s such an example …

About the Speaker

Melissa Kruger

Melissa Kruger

Melissa Kruger serves as director of Women's Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. She is a wife, mom, and the author of multiple books, including The Envy of Eve and Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood. Melissa is a frequent speaker at Christian conferences and she and her husband, Mark, make their home in North Carolina with their three children.