Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 1

September 27, 2018 Jackie Hill Perry speaking at Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 1, Mary Kassian speaking at Firm Foundations in a Gender-Fluid World, Part 1

Our culture is awash in confusion and conflicting viewpoints about sexuality. We all have friends or family members who are struggling with same-sex attraction, or who are confused about their gender identity.

Voices all around us are teaching us that gender is a personal choice and that those who don’t affirm the prevailing cultural message are intolerant and hateful. The world we live in leaves us asking many questions: What is God’s good plan for sex and sexuality? Why does it matter? How are we to think about these things?

How are we to deal with our own struggles and temptations? How do we teach our boys what it means to be a boy, and our girls what it means to be a girl? How can we engage with neighbors and colleagues on the topic of gender and sexuality? What is a compassionate and redemptive way of engaging with those who struggle with same-sex attraction—and with the increasing number of church-goers who are giving up on the Bible’s teaching on sex, gender, and marriage?

Explore these questions and more in this session with authors and speakers Mary Kassian and Jackie Hill Perry. Mary and Jackie have both written and spoken extensively on God’s design for gender. Jackie has also personally experienced the power of the Truth to set her free from lies about her own sexuality.

Running Time: 50 minutes

About the Speakers

Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry, and music since coming to know Christ at the age of nineteen. She is the author of several books and Bible studies and has been featured on The Washington Times, The 700 Club, Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, and other publications. She and her husband, Preston, have four children and live in the Atlanta area.

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian

In addition to being a frequent contributor on Revive Our Hearts podcasts and at True Woman conferences, Mary Kassian is an award-winning author and internationally renowned speaker. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including True Woman 101 and 201, Conversation Peace, The Right Kind of Strong, and The Right Kind of Confident. Mary and her husband, Brent, have three grown sons and make their home in Alberta, Canada.