Transgender to Transformed: Laura Perry’s Testimony

Even as a small child, growing up in a Christian home, Laura questioned why she had been born a girl. As an adult, those questions grew into an obsession to transform her very identity. Laura Perry lived as a transgender man for a decade before a radical encounter with God’s grace that led to her surrendering to Christ’s authority and eventually embracing her God-given design as a woman. Hear Laura’s powerful story in her own words.


Laura Perry: I really rejected God’s design; I didn’t like God’s design of woman. But I’ve talked to a lot of women that maybe haven’t traveled the path that I did, maybe didn’t take it to that extreme, but I think a lot of us struggle with God’s design of woman, with understanding it. I think a lot of that is because we’ve been wounded by other people. Other people have put information on us about how our design is not good. 

For whatever reason, I really want to challenge each and every one of us today, even if we don’t fully understand it, if there are things about our personality or our gender, our body, whatever it is that we have not agreed with God that it is good—there are things we don’t like about ourselves. I really want to challenge us today in my story to really …

About the Speaker

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts is an author and speaker who shares her story of how Jesus Christ rescued her from a transgender identity. She also speaks and teaches on a variety of topics related to transgenderism and God’s design of human beings as male and female. She has had the privilege to tell her story on a variety of platforms including radio, video, TV, and more including the documentary In His Image and to teach at conferences, schools, and churches. Her story is available in her autobiography, Transgender to Transformed. She and her husband, Perry, now run a ministry called Eden’s Redemption which aims to teach and equip people to understand gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective.