Grounded in His Good Design

Do you understand the purpose behind your design as a male or female? Whether you feel sexually confused or you know someone who does, this series will help answer questions like, “How did we get here as a culture? How should I respond? Is it possible for someone to learn to love her God-given gender, even after living in a transgender lifestyle? Can God use ME, in spite of my past?”

Running Time: 44 minutes


Mary Kassian: I want to introduce you to my COVID babies. My granddaughter, Charlie Ann, who was born the weekend that COVID shut everything down; and then Josephine Hope, who was born about eight weeks later. And then there’s my newest baby, who was conceived during the pandemic and arrived just last week, and her name is Connie—that’s short for confident, The Right Kind of Confident: The Remarkable Grit of a God-Fearing Woman. Isn’t she cute?

Now, I had no idea when I started writing books about God’s design for women that I would end up with so many grandbabies. I have six grandchildren now, and five of them are girls. 

Callie, in the pink jacket, is four years old, and she is a woman who is secure in her own opinion. If everybody is turning left, Callie will turn right, just because.

Clara, the oldest, is seven. Clara is …


Scripture References

  • Genesis 4:16-5:2

About the Speaker

Mary Kassian

Mary Kassian

In addition to being a frequent contributor on Revive Our Hearts podcasts and at True Woman conferences, Mary Kassian is an award-winning author and internationally renowned speaker. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including True Woman 101 and 201, Conversation Peace, The Right Kind of Strong, and The Right Kind of Confident. Mary and her husband, Brent, have three grown sons and make their home in Alberta, Canada.