Daily Reflections

Yes, Jesus Loves Me

February 15, 2023 Betsy Gómez

Christ also loved us and gave himself for us. —Ephesians 5:2

Jesus loves me, this I know, 
For the Bible tells me so.1

As a child I sang this song in Sunday school. It was easy to repeat the truth that Christ loved me but not so easy to understand and believe in His love when I stumbled over the same sin again and again.

I tried to understand His love by looking at myself in the mirror, but I couldn’t find a reason why He would stop to notice me. There were days when I tried to win His love and thought
I was succeeding—until reality hit. Looking at my sinful condition, I found only reasons why I wasn’t worthy. It wasn’t until I started looking in the right place that I was able to discover the truth of love that surpasses all understanding.

I sang “Jesus loves me,” but I didn’t stop to think about the next phrase: “the Bible tells me so.” The Bible is the Word of God, and it is the only source we must run to if we want to know the truth.

1 Anna Bartlett Warner, “Jesus Loves Me,” (1859).

Make it Personal

Take a moment to thank and praise God for His love and the truth of His Word.