Daily Reflections

Where Are You?

June 6, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation. Where are your zeal and your might? —Isaiah 63:15

Up until this point in Isaiah 63, the prophet has been talking about God—His character, His ways, His track record. But in light of all he has said and seen, he now talks to God.

“Where are You, God?” the prophet asks. “Where is Your zeal? Where is Your might?” With everything that was going on in the prophet’s world, it seemed like God wasn’t doing anything, that He was absent. That God wasn’t concerned with what His people were going through.

Do you ever feel like this? That if God is so powerful, why is all this happening? Why is evil winning? Why doesn’t God do this? Why doesn’t He stop that? Does He really care?

When you feel this way—whether it’s about events in the world, your nation, your church, or even in your own family—the solution is not to turn away from God. The solution is to turn to God. Turn to Him and cry out; let Him know your heart.

Make it Personal

What’s going on that makes you feel as if God is absent? Cry out to Him and let Him know what’s on your heart.