Daily Reflections

What’s So Great About It?

December 17, 2020 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” —Luke 1:49

What if this Christmas season, you took opportunities to share a personal testimony with someone else about the “great things” God has done for you? For many of us, that’s outside our comfort zone. Or perhaps you may feel as though any “great things” God is doing in your life are outnumbered by other, not-so-great things.

I’m glad that Christian faith doesn’t require us to minimize our hurts. Pain, hardship, and heartache are unavoidable parts of our fallen world, even for believers. Our redemption has already been accomplished, but our experience of it isn’t complete. We don’t yet know the unhindered joy we will one day feel when we are visibly in God’s presence.

But if you’re a child of God, you can lift your eyes upward from your circumstances. You can look beyond yourself and see that the God of the Bible is the God of today. He’s the sovereign Lord over every moment of your life—past, present, and future. And He’s always actively engaged in giving you reason for rejoicing.

Make it Personal

When’s the last time you told someone about what God has done for you? What’s one thing you could tell someone else today?