Daily Reflections

What Matters Most?

November 30, 2021 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. —Romans 8:18

My sufferings and afflictions can’t begin to compare to those of many people, but as I look back I can see that every single disappointment, loss, pain, or problem was intended by God for my well-being. I can see glimpses of how those difficulties have been used by God to bring about great good in my life.

As you look at God’s purposes in bringing thorns into your life, can you give Him thanks? Are you willing to have that thorn remain if it accomplishes His purposes?

If comfort is what matters supremely to you, then when those thorns come into your life, you will resent them, resist them, and run from them. But if what matters most to you is being like Jesus and furthering His kingdom in this world, then you’ll say, “God, I wouldn’t have chosen this, but I believe that Your grace is sufficient for me.” You’ll be able to thank Him for the blessing of the thorns.

Make it Personal

Ask God to use the thorns in your life to fulfill His purposes and that during trials, you can give Him thanks.