Daily Reflections

Voice Recognition

April 21, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way. Walk in it.” —Isaiah 30:21

Are you able to recognize God’s voice? There are times in life when it is of utmost importance to know we are hearing from God— when we need His comfort in crisis, His counsel for decisions, His reassurance when troubled. In moments like these, we need to hear His voice above all others.

But if we don’t recognize His voice, how will we know who is speaking? How will we know who we are actually listening to?

The time to learn God’s voice, to become familiar with His message, is now—before the crisis, the decision, or the trouble. Learn it in the calm so we will recognize it in the chaos.

God has revealed Himself to us and wants to give us direction, wisdom, insight, and understanding. May we have a quiet heart, so we can be still enough long enough to listen to Him and to receive what He will say.

Make it Personal

Are you learning to recognize God’s voice? If not, what do you need to change to make it so?