Daily Reflections

Turning Point

February 18, 2023 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

David was in an extremely difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him. . . But David found strength in the Lord his God. —1 Samuel 30:6

When we pray desperate prayers, the answer we receive is often far better than we had been hoping for. David prayed to be protected from assassination. Habakkuk prayed for God to explain His silence when the world around him was being overtaken by violence.

In both cases, God gave them a striking aware- ness of His presence before He offered anything else. He turned their hearts before He overturned their predicaments.

Interestingly Habakkuk’s name means “one who wrestles.” At the beginning of the book, we find that Habakkuk was a man who was wrestling with God, and he wasn’t going to let go until God gave him some answers. However, it was after he stopped wrestling with God that he was able to embrace the mystery of how God was working. This was a turning point. His pursuit changed from demanding answers from God to seeking to know God Himself.

Make it Personal

Are you wrestling with God? How can you change a demand for answers into a pursuit of God?