Daily Reflections

Theology 101

August 14, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

It is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose. —Philippians 2:13

During my sophomore year in high school, I took a world cultures class. As we studied the rise and fall of nations, my heart became grounded in the conviction that God reigns over both the big events of history and the minute details of His creation.

This wasn’t a new concept. But now I was seeing God’s sovereignty being worked out in the panorama of world history, and the sight was stunning to my young heart.

During that same year, through a series of difficult circumstances for my family, I also experienced the comfort, calm, and confidence that come from knowing a wise, good, sovereign God is intimately involved in every chapter of our lives.

My parents’ example, along with that class, gave me a yearlong course in Theology 101. What I gained was a living, pulsating, vibrant faith in the God who reigns over every part and particle of His creation, tenderly cares for His own, and is always accomplishing His eternal redemptive purposes in this world.

Make it Personal

Pray that God would grow your confidence and trust that He is intimately involved in every chapter of your life.