Daily Reflections

The Song of the Redeemed

March 10, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

I also saw . . . those who had won the victory over the beast . . . They sang the song of God’s servant Moses and the song of the Lamb. —Revelation 15:2–3

One day, not long from now, we will no longer be in a foreign land. What we’re going through here on earth will not last forever. We’re headed to Zion, where we’ll join all those angelic choirs and citizens of heaven who have gone there before us. Together we’ll sing the song of the redeemed!

Yes, we hung up our harps temporarily on the willows in Babylon, but one day we’ll pick them back up and sing, “Great and awe-inspiring are your works, Lord God, the Almighty; just and true are your ways, King of the nations” (Rev. 15:3).

Between now and then, we remember the Lord’s song. It may seem difficult, even impossible at times, to sing it in a foreign land, but purpose to sing it—even through your tears! Sing it by faith and in joyful anticipation of that day when we will sing it forever and ever and ever, amen.

Make it Personal

What are some ways that you can remind yourself of the Lord’s song as you go about your daily activities?