Daily Reflections

The Flag of Surrender

October 30, 2022 Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

When arrogance comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom. —Proverbs 11:2

If you want to experience the blessings of brokenness and have a revived heart, you must choose to run head-on into whatever it is your pride is telling you not to do.

As I speak about brokenness across the country, I generally ask at the close, “How many of you know there is some step of brokenness God wants you to take, but there’s a battle going
on inside, and your pride is keeping you from taking that step?” Invariably, many hands go up. I tell them the same thing I want to tell you: The battle inside will stop the moment you wave the white flag of surrender and say, “Yes, Lord.”

The longer you delay, the harder you resist, the more difficult it will be to obey God. Don’t hesitate a moment longer. You can’t begin to imagine the joy that awaits you on the other side of the cross, the power of His resurrection life that will be released through your death of self, and the wholeness that will emerge out of your brokenness.

Make it Personal

What step of brokenness do you need to take today?